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May 24, 2023

8 hrs ago

SUPREME COURT - COUNTY OF JEFFERSON MARK WAGNER, Plaintiff -against- CYNTHIA WAGNER, et al Defendant(s). Pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale dated May 17, 2021 and entered on June 1, 2021, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Jefferson County Court complex in front vestibule area with any overflow into the lobby located at 163 Arsenal Street, Watertown, NY on July 11, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Theresa, County of Jefferson, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a rebar set at the most easterly corner of lands conveyed to William C. Filkins and Hannah J. Filkins (Liber 1759, Page 101), and running thence from the point of beginning, North 45 degrees 19 minutes 24 seconds West, 539.31 feet along the northeast line of lands conveyed to Filkins to an existing iron pipe at the most northerly corner of said lands, said iron pipe being in the southeast line of lands conveyed to Thomas Nowak (Instrument 2006-00015177); thence north 37 degrees 28 minutes 13 seconds East, 39.87 feet along the southeast line of lands conveyed to Nowak to a rebar set; thence north 37 degrees 28 minutes 13 seconds Est 30 feet, plus or minus, continuing along the southeast line of lands conveyed to Nowak to a point on the shoreline of the Indian River, thence in a generally southeasterly, easterly, northeasterly and southeasterly direction along said shoreline as it winds and turns to a point as its intersection with a line bounded on the southeast by lands of Kinetic Energy, LLC (Instrument 2002-00004530); thence South 47 degrees 05 minutes 34 seconds West along a line bounded on the southeast by lands of Kinetic Energy, LLC to a rebar set, said rebar being South 85 degrees 55 minutes 21 seconds East, 322.59 feet from the last mentioned rebar; thence South 47 degrees 05 minutes 34 seconds West 42.59 feet continuing along a line bounded on the southeast by lands of Kinetic Energy, LLC to an existing iron pipe; thence along a line bounded on the northeast by lands of Kinetic Energy, LLC and generally following the top of a ledge, the four following courses and distances: 1. South 55 degrees 25 minutes 26 seconds East 50.42 feet to a point; 2.South 76 degrees 45 minutes 26 seconds East 12.32 feet to a point; 3. South 46 degrees 13 minutes 26 seconds East, 85.60 feet to a point; 4. South 44 degrees 31 minutes 26 seconds East 18.47 feet to a rebar set; thence South 47 degrees 05 minutes 34 seconds West 208.58 feet along a line bounded on the southeast by lands of Kinetic Energy, LLC to an existing iron pipe; thence South 45 degrees 21 minutes 54 seconds East,147.31 feet along a line bounded on the northeast by lands of Kinetic Energy, LLC to a point, said point being South 45 degrees 21 minutes 54 seconds East, 4.41 feet from an existing chiseled cross; thence South 50 degrees 34 minutes 38 seconds, West 15.08 feet along a line bounded on the southeast by lands of Kinetic

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